For individuals with disabilities, having a job in the community can increase satisfaction with daily life and generate a greater overall sense of physical and emotional well-being. Our variety of work programs are designed to give persons with disabilities a chance to experience the benefits of employment, such as a sense of accomplishment, an avenue for improving social skills, a regular paycheck, and the opportunity to be seen as a productive member of the community.
Through our person-centered model, we are committed to helping job seekers meet their individual goals of employability.
For job seekers who need additional support in acquiring the skills necessary to succeed in competitive work environment, or those needing additional support on a long-term basis, we offer work place assistance, enabling individuals to work and earn wages in a more structured environment.
With a focus on community integration, our partnerships within the community help individuals seeking job opportunities to obtain gainful employment. Individuals have obtained employment with Fort Story Galley and Beach Packaging with Stihl.
Our support ranges from workplace assistance services, and job coaching. Each of these services offer supports for the individual to acquire, retain, or improve skills of self-help, socialization, community integration, career planning and adaptation via opportunities for interactions with others, community integration, and enhancement of social networks.
Community Alternatives, Inc. offers discounted service fees for consumers who qualify. We will not deny consumers services based on inability to pay or an individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion or sexual orientation. Your privacy is important to us and will be protected..
In accordance with 45 CFR §96.131 Treatment Services for Pregnant Women of the Substance Abuse Prevention& Treatment Block Grant, pregnant women are given preference in admissions to this program/facility. Priority admission is as follows: (1) Pregnant women using substances intravenously, (2) Pregnant women with a substance use disorder, (3) Women using substances intravenously, (4) All others